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Customers reviews
Hi Helene, Some pictures of monty at work he is getting on very well a bit mad at times.He is a very good boy and getting on with everyone and other dogs that he meets.

well, i could never imagine a puppy could bring so much joy, took him out for the first time on Sunday, he ran around the park full of excitement, he also goes to puppy training every Monday, he sleeps through the night, and wont make a sound until he sees us.

Hi, Just a quick update on Gizmo, he has settled into our family very well he sleeps well and very content, although always on the search for food!!

Hi Helene, Just to let you know Charlie travelled extremely well to her new home and has spent the afternoon in mad play sessions, demolishing my garden and long sleeps. So she seems to be settling in well.
I'll keep you posted with her progress, All the best,

Thought you’d like to hear how Charlie’s getting on. She’s doing just fine and is a happy, lively, feisty, friendly, energetic little girl who makes friends wherever she goes.She’s bright, too and responding well in puppy classes – her recall is coming brilliantly well. She loves her walks and knows every park in Brighton, and most of the doggy inhabitants as well. So you obviously do a good job with breeding and bringing up your puppies."
